New Series Delay


I’m sure at least a few people saw this coming, given my extended radio silence. I’ve finished writing my next series, but the editing is taking longer than expected. Each book is heftier than any in the Wind Runner series (some close to twice as long), but I still want to publish monthly. Apologies if you were looking forward to diving into my next creation soon. You can always check out my Booksprout page if you’re interested in being a beta reader and getting my books ahead of time.

My style hasn’t changed. There will be plenty of action and graphic sex scenes, but this time in a classical fantasy (swords and sorcery) style setting. I’m aiming to only push the release back by a month, so expect the first book around January 8th. I’ve also submitted a short story set in the same world for publication in the Sex & Sorcery 4 anthology, so be on the lookout for that (I’ll post a link here once it’s out).



Former Champion is here!


Click here to get it on Amazon (free with KU)

It feels strange to be at this point, after five books and countless hours spent with these characters. I didn’t initially intend for it to be anything other than a distraction from another project I’d been working on earlier this year (one that eventually frustrated me to the point of being thrown out completely).

I’m not really sure what to compare it to. It’s a sensation of letting go, an empty, though not unsatisfying feeling of being finished with something. I spent a lot of time thinking about these characters, picturing how they react to problems and how they interact with each other. I’ve always been more of a methodical writer, rather than someone who can just sit down and freestyle their plots. Which means that I spend countless hours mowing the lawn, or hiking, or standing in the shower while imagining (hallucinating) sections of each of my books until I can really feel like I know exactly where each plot line and each character is headed.

Anyway, Former Champion is the last book in the Wind Runner series, but not the last book you’ll be seeing from me. I’ll be taking two months off to devote as much time as I can to getting a head start on my next series, which will be traditional fantasy erotica. Hopefully I will manage to keep you guys updated on my progress, but if not, you can safely assume that I probably haven’t died.

Expect my next new book in early December. And as always, thanks for reading.


Chaste Widow is live on Amazon!

Here it is!

KDP was extremely fast with the review process this time around. There will be one more book in the Vanderbrook Champions series (expect it around September 11-12). As always, if you enjoy one of my books, don’t hesitate to leave a review. It’s a major help for an indie author like me, and will go a long way toward keeping me able to publish as frequently as I do.



Chaste Widow Cover-page-001

Author Update #3: New Website


With five books published, I figured it was about time. Expect regular updates here on new releases, random musings, and writing progress. I’ll try to keep it short and sweet, because time is valuable and you all have places to be.
